I can't tell you how amazed, excited and humbled (even though I bragged to all my friends) I was to see this.
My heartfelt thanks go out to Cynthia and to my friends for all their kind words.
So without further ado here is today's Polymer pick-me!
![]() Usually one of the first things I do is check out Polymer Clay Daily; I grab my coffee and then settle in to see what wonderful finds Cynthia has found for us that day. Today was a busy day and I didn't see it until someone contacted me, telling me that today it was me! I can't tell you how amazed, excited and humbled (even though I bragged to all my friends) I was to see this. My heartfelt thanks go out to Cynthia and to my friends for all their kind words. So without further ado here is today's Polymer pick-me!
I watched a marvelous program on PBS called Craft In America. It has a different slant for each episode and it spotlights top artists in various disciplines. One of the artists interviewed said something that resonated with me, especially today.
I have not been very inspired lately; I've been mostly working on the boring things like taking pictures of product, writing about product, getting supplies to make product that the muse gave up I guess. The particular artist interviewed said when she felt stagnant she would stop being serious and just play. So today I did; I had a playdate with clay. I recently had the privilege of taking a class from Leslie Blackford with about 30 other lucky people. During the class she encouraged us to try our hand at sculpture. Two things came out of my mind that day-a horse and a bird skull. I made a few of the bird skulls for pendants but never did much with the horse until today. Since today was supposed to be about play the horse seemed fitting. If you have ever watched horses in the field you will notice how they love to run, gambol and jump around-they love to play! I think this little break was what I needed to get back in the saddle again and start rustling up a few new ideas. Thanks for visiting! ~Kathy Today was a very stressful day and I am so glad that it is coming to a close. As some of you may know the site on which I was planning to park my "store" has had a fire and all their offices and servers were destroyed. This came after I had moved all my photos and data regarding my products to this site from the one I was previously promoting. So not only did I feel stupid after pestering you all for votes but I had to go through the process of finding a new site and starting all over again. My friends gave me lots of good suggestions but in the end I chose to just use my own site. I have had this for ages and it is were my blog originates. But I have never really promoted it as a primary store. I decided that I was tired of promoting etsy, zibbet, and all the others, now I'm am promoting me.
Hah! Easier said than done. Writing a blog is nothing, but learning how to set up a whole new store, at least for this 60 *cough* *cough* something year old is not an easy task. Different store, different techniques...and of course my fair share of bugs... Several times today I have been on the verge of tears, ready to throw in the towel and give up. I was seriously thinking of just giving ALL of it up. Then I stopped and thought about two people who are my inspiration when it comes to sticking with something. My son, who has been through so much adversity and unfairness in his life and who still has hope for the newness of life. And my granddaughter who also has been dealt a hard hand by life but who managed to turn it into a winning game. Just yesterday I watched her trying to learn crocheting for the first time. Sure she made some funny mistakes, got frustrated and wondered why she was doing this in the first place but she persevered and is making great progress. I took a moment, thought about them, and figured if they could do it, then who was I to give up? And yes, I finally figured it out; I still have lots of product to add but as Scarlet said - tomorrow's another day. So all this is my way of saying thanks Byron and Sarah - you guys are my inspiration. The really funny thing is - I have had this done for ages because I am such a procrastinator. But then I forgot totally that today is the day to show everyone what we have done. Please forgive me this is my first ever challenge like this! So below are the pics of what Jeannie sent me. At first glance it might seem that is would be easy being all plain beads. However, I was unsure of how much was me and how much was the beads I got from Jeannie. So it turned out to be a brain-freeze. I will mostly just look at everyone elses gorgeous things and plan on next year. And here is what I made; out of one necklace and one pair of earrings I managed to get two necklaces and two pair of earrings. I wanted to use as much as I could and I ended up using 100%. Now, I do have to say that the crystal globe earrings are really heavy and only if you want to stretch out your ears for gauges would you wear these. With the necklaces I just added a couple polymer pendants that I made ages ago that were lurking in a drawer. I really had no "process" or plan; this being my first time figured I would just go with the flow and see what happened. My only criteria was using up everything. You will see in the pic of my copper clasp a little dangle...those were the beads that I had left but was determined to use! So now hop (it is a blog hop after all) on over to these other great sites and see what they have done!
Jeannie K Dukic Penny Houghton Susan Delaney Ginger Davis Allman Becky Pancake Therese Frank Donetta Farrington Molly Alexander Mowse Doyle Renetha Stanziano Christie Murrow Veralynne Malone Shai Williams Beti Horvath Linda Britt Miranda Ackerley Mischelle Andrade Tracy Stillman Charlene Bausinger Deana Hager Have a look at the new tribal beads that I just listed on etsy! Really large focal plus coordinating smaller beads that will make a big impact in your future creations!
![]() A tiny figure full of fright, Crosses the moors in the pale moonlight. Across the stones, through heather and gorse, She carries a heart so full of remorse. She loved a man, a weak one -it’s true, And he loved her, but she never knew. Through the rocks and to the sand, And on the shore; all night to stand. Watching and waiting with lamp held high, Searching the shore for ships gone by. All in the village have spied this lass, And all hold their breath when near she does pass. The tale has been told, many times before, Of why she walks nightly down to the shore. The story is one of fortune and fame, And the man she loved but could not claim. His was the family that kept them apart, Tore him in two and broke his heart. The lovers never could marry his parents declared, So he sailed on the “Sovereign” to see how he fared. But the ship was cursed with sickness one day, And all on board did pass away. So on sailed the “Sovereign” night after night, And no one knew of their terrible plight. Years went by and his family mourned, The tiny lass, still they scorned. She kept her vigil week after week, Down at the shore, her lover to seek. They looked for him always; the lass and his child, As they lived alone, on the moors so wild. Then one day they gave up the ghost, And both went home to the Heavenly Host. And though it’s been ages (and perhaps even more), She still walks nightly down to the shore. Still she searches the waves and the reef, And shines her lamp to hide her grief. The tale is told of that fateful day, When the “Sovereign” finally comes to bay. Three ghosts will walk in the moonlight mild, A man, his maid, and their little child. ~~K.L.Richardson I don't have "before" photos because it didn't honestly occur to me that anyone would be interested-until I had completed this project. However, I do have "afters" if the mood strikes you to change-up your display pieces. I was getting tired of plain old black; I also had a few white busts that I painted black, trying to bring some cohesion to my displays. Unfortunately after one use, packing, unpacking, repacking they had some spots where the white was showing through. It made it look shabby and not in the good way. So while I was digging around my garage (did I mention I could film an episode of "Hoarders" at my house?) I found an ancient dictionary. I don't destroy books without thought but this sad little thing was just old brown and the paper so brittle it was crumbling. Digging further (this time my studio,hahaha, in the basement) I found some Modge Podge the wonder glue, glaze and all around friend of the crafter.
Dragging all my finds into the kitchen I tore, glued, and glazed new displays. After they sat overnight I gave them a light spray of Krylon sealer. I thought they were...nice, but needed something. Again digging into my hoard I found some stick on letters from when Sarah and I did altered books. It turned out to be just the touch needed to bring it all together. I love them and am now looking for more old pieces. Perhaps I might sell a few... In my previous post I featured some funky, new beads I was experimenting with; in this post I have the finished product. For those of you that like your jewelry from Fred Meyer, just go on your way-this isn't your style. If, on the other hand, you like different, tribal, original styles this might be something you would enjoy.
I tinkered with various ways of making a whole piece of jewelry from the dagger beads; the were so different that I couldn't just string them. I thought of copper wire chain and that didn't appeal to me either. Finally I visited the fiber gals in Loveland at the Loveland Arts Studio and found what I was looking for...recycled silk sari ribbon. It lent just the roughness I was looking for and still the rich dark color to complement the almost oil-slick quality of the beads.The jump rings are wire that I made into rings and patinated, finishing with a sealing finish. The clasp is bracketed by brass cones; the hook is one of my own hand made hooks. After a short test run I will be putting this up for sale on my etsy shop. Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival... a survival of a hugely remote period when... consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity... forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods, monsters, mythical beings of all sorts and kinds... I always find it interesting where people find inspiration; sights, sounds, smells all evoke memories long hidden in the deepest recesses of our minds. Artists in particular find ideas all over and some are rather obscure. As a child I found most of my inspiration for my fantasy life in the movies and tv serials (I seriously wanted to be the Lone Ranger). As I got older the darker side of entertainment appealed to me and I was introduced to all the early pulp mags with "strange, amazing tales". I particularly liked H.P.Lovecraft, who could give you goosebumps on the steamiest day of the year. Lately I have been re-reading some of my old, well-thumbed Lovecraft and I found it inspired me to experiment with some dark art. No, not the occult, but the darker side of polymer clay. I started out with beads rather than a larger project and found it just the thing for my mood. These beads may have been dredged up from the shores of Dunwich or from some dark and nameless cave. The material I used here is polymer clay "mud". I make a slightly light, muddy mix that gives the color a darker look once I apply it. Then it is alcohol ink, acrylic paint and gilders paste. Pretty simple really, but the overall effect has me thinking of The Dark Ones..."striding against space and time."
Summer is bright, light shocks of color, but winter is coming soon and darkness falls early.... Just a short post so I can go enjoy the humidity that passes for Cincinnati in the summertime.
If you want to make your own components and connectors, check out Ginger Davis Allman's tutorial - Rustic Beads and Components from Polymer Clay. It is a very comprehensive tutorial that is great not only for those with beginners skills, but is an inspirational starting point for those of you who have been working with clay for some time.. Ginger gives a full list of everything she uses to get "the look" that she does. Her steps are clear and easy to follow, and filled with pictures to help you along. And if you are into instant gratification she downloads it immediately from her etsy site! As always I can't settle on organic/rustic or shiny/bling so I did a set of each! |
March 2019