Today I got to visit old friends and recharge my creative batteries. I needed some funky old keys and I knew that if anyone would have some it would be my friend Vicki who owns Primitives and More, in Milford. Sure enough she had what I needed and I gleaned fifty (50!) keys from her stash. Old keys are not the only item Vicki and her husband Tom have in their lovely, quaint shop in Old Milford. Furniture, cabinets, flags, dolls, signs, candles (Evening Mocha~heavenly!) vintage quilts, fabric, florals, music, I can't even remember half of the cool stuff they have artfully arranged in little nooks and crannies. There is always a new surprise around each little corner with several rooms to explore. If you are in the area stop in and chat, Tom and Vicki always have time to say hi; if you're not in the area this makes a great destination store to plan a trip around. And Old Milford has some nice eateries as well. So the next time you need a bit of inspiration head down to Primitives and More, they have lots!