So when Polymer Clay Central announced the TAD** Challenge to run during the month of February, I thought why not-it might be just the thing I needed to kick my winter lethargy to the curb.
The rules are simple-just make and post a picture of one thing (polymer) a day. It doesn't have to be big, ornate or even a complete piece (for instance beads not a whole necklace) unless of course, that is what you did that day. So to further insure that I actually DO this I will additionally post my TAD here as well, so that those of you who do not visit Delphi Forums can see that I am indeed making at least one thing a day. Now I am not saying that these will be sales-worthy or to everyones taste but I do have every intention of making at least one thing a day...starting tomorrow!
* I have not been diagnosed with ADHD but the general consensus among my friends runs in that direction. I love my friends and put up with their silliness as they put up with mine.
**TAD= Thing A Day