.....the wonderful lady who helped me with my banner. I am not the easiest person to work with and I often will accept something just to keep from being a pest. I know, it's not good to be like that; I am trying to improve. Anyway, I have been making lots of changes in my website and needed my etsy banner changed also. I had someone make one but then I took another look at my website and just wasn't happy with it. I'm basically a "grit and grunge" person and I finally realized that no matter what I do it isn't going to change ME. So I tinkered with the site one more time. So of course I needed a new banner. Some kind person on Delphi Forums told me about Tejae Floyde. Tejae is a wonderful polymer artist and very patient lady. Through a series of emails she drew out what I really wanted, honed it and smoothed out the rough edges and viola! Done in a day! She even gave me some good feed back on my website. I am eternally in her debt and will sing her praises to anyone who will listen.
So when you get finished reading this go visit her site and check out her tutorials and lovely objet d`art hearts. And just look at the picture (above) of the exquisite work she does! Wouldn't you love to own one of those beauties?
So when you get finished reading this go visit her site and check out her tutorials and lovely objet d`art hearts. And just look at the picture (above) of the exquisite work she does! Wouldn't you love to own one of those beauties?